Instead, we have a generation of Black girls lost listening to a female M.C. that wants to put something on my sideburns (listen to "Bedrock") and feeding a sex kitten image to a throng of sex-starved people that exceeds the magical Summer of Love. This is not a Nicki Minaj dis blog; this is reality rap about the lack of diversity rocking the M.I.C. for the ladies.

We all know that sex sells and if skills sold, Trina would probably be, lyrically Jean Grae. Not familiar with the name? That's because she's a dope M.C. that's been bubbling on the underground for quite some time, but has never broken through because of the double-standard placed on females within the rap game. Yes, you can be nice, but can you be nice and sexy? Because that's what it's gonna take for you to blow up or you have to have a rap rabbi that happens to be white hot at the time. Lil' Kim rode Biggie's back, Foxy had Jay-Z and Nas, Trina had Trick Daddy, Lauryn came alongside Wyclef and Pras, Eve had the Ruff Ryders and Nicki Minaj has the cosign of Lil' Wayne. Even the pioneer female rappers of the golden age had to be sponsored by a known male M.C. before she rocked the mic. Is it impossible for a woman to stand alone in such a male-dominated arena?
In a not-so-shocking mirror of society, capable women are reduced to just that, being a woman and not often regarded as equals even when they are superior to their male peers. Name five rappers that were better than Lauryn Hill in 1998? You'd be hard-pressed to do so, but like women in corporate America, she's categorized as the woman that does the man's job, and overlooked as the best person for the job.
The female emcee seems like a novelty nowadays, a feature to spice your song up, eye candy for a video, the mascot for a crew. It's almost impossible to take them seriously when she's spitting musical porn and you really can't get to what she's saying, because she's half-butt naked! I saw Eve in Ludacris' "My Chick's Bad" remix video and the light of hope was sparked, then I saw the new Nicki Minaj video. So, I sat down and sent this S.O.S. for Lauryn Hill.
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