Black Music Month: In Search of...Gregory Abbott

Has anyone ever successfully answered the question, “Whatever happened to Gregory Abbott”? Yall know who I’m talking about, the light-skinned joker that made “Shake You Down” and then seemingly disappeared. Dude was jammin’ on the one…then he was gone. I don’t remember the album, don’t remember a second single, there was just “Shake You Down” and then the question.
It was still a few years before Wesley Snipes put light-skinned Brothers on the clearance rack, so I’m left to think that dude was either getting high or the album was just wack. Twenty years later and I still don’t know, there’s been no “Unsung”, “Behind the Music” or where are they now in reference to him. Haven’t seen him on the marquee at BB King’s or any other place I frequent and I damn sure haven’t heard a new song on the radio.

So I’ve set out on a search for Gregory Abbot and was led directly to his Twitter account and website and the revelation that he has been making music for the last twenty years. He’s been extremely active behind the scenes, writing and producing, on the board of directors for The Grammy awards and doing some work in film. It’s all news to me and many of you probably don’t care…but if anyone sees Gregory Abbott, get ‘em the word that I’m looking for him.

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