I’m an 80’s baby; way back before Barack & Michelle, Jay-Z & Beyoncè, Will & Jada or even Heathcliff and Claire, I knew what Black Love was all about. I learned it the way millions of others folks did, by taking a trip to Pine Valley everyday at 1pm to get to know Jesse Hubbard and Angie Baxter. That’s right, back in 1981, 82, I was watching All My Children faithfully with my grandmother before I started elementary school and as I got older my mom and I would watch the day’s episode on videotape after dinner. A few of yall know who I’m talking about, Jessie and Angie were Black America’s first Soap Opera supercouple, on par with Luke & Laura, Greg & Jenny and all of those couples that constantly dealt with fake deaths, amnesia, kidnappings and all of that other drama. Their story was classic, Angie came from a good family, while Jesse was from the other side of the tracks, and even though her father disapproved, but you just knew they were going to be together...they were the only young Black folks in town.
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