What Had Happened Was…

Don't you just know that you're in for some wild tale of adventure and mishaps when someone begins an explanation with "What had happened was…" Not saying it's always going to be a lie, but 80% of the time, prepare for an onslaught of BS!

It was 70 degrees here in Jersey yesterday, but you would've sworn it was hotter than July! Negroes were out with cutoff sleeves, women had their best cookout outfits on, white folks were tanning and Mexicans were drinking Coronas with their shirts off! Everywhere I went, there were tons of people out, trying to partake in the taste of spring that we had yesterday. Now put your rain boots on, it's supposed to storm this weekend.

Who knew the Church of Latter Day Saints were freaks? Someone send R. Kelly a pamphlet. Polygamy, pedophilia, sadomasochism, all under the guise of religion. Be leery of false idols. I suppose when hope floats away and despair is a 600lb monkey on your back, folks can be led in any direction.

Get ready! Get ready! Get ready!

That's all I got for today! What had happened was, somehow we ended up celebrating my boy's divorce and it got ugly!

Get ready! Get ready! Get ready!

Enjoy your weekend!

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