That Saturday Thing

I'm consistently asked, what is That Saturday Thing? The answer is simple, That Saturday Thing is whatever it is that you do on Saturday. Whatever running around or errands that need to be handled. A long as something is getting done and you're not laying around doing nothing.

In my family, Saturdays meant cleaning! Cleaning was first, second and third on the priority list. We got an hour off to watch Soul Train but everything needed to be cleaned by noon. Why noon? Because grocery shopping came at noon. Or laundry. One thing was for certain, there was a trip to the mall to follow.

The tradition transitioned from 436 West 2nd St. to everywhere my family stays now. Very rare a Saturday that finds one of us sitting around. We're up & working. Cleaning house, laundry, grocery shopping, part-time jobs, class, the hair salon, something is going down.

Anyone under my roof is kicking their Saturday off bright and early and doing something, I won't allow any chillin', that's not what Delia taught me. So, when you get that text from me on Saturday, get up and get your Saturday Thing going!

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