The World According to Teef's Fall TV Preview

If you know me, you know I love to watch television. I can go for days at a time watching the idiot box and feel at ease. I have a strict TV schedule that I abide by and I don’t break routine, except for when the Lakers are on and even then it’s split duty. I don’t do DVR or On Demand, I preserve the sanctity of my viewing time. Another thing I don’t do is Reality Television, so you will not find any of that crap in my preview. That’s right, no Dancing, Surviving, Real Housewiving, Racing, Cooking, big losing, Modeling, Bacheloring and damn sure no American Idoling! With that said, let’s get down to business…

ABC has ‘Dancing with the Stars’ on Monday night and their cult following tunes in religiously season after season as the has beens and never were learn how to ballroom dance, but they can have that, because Monday nights belong to ‘House’. Dr. House and the Princeton-Plainsboro crew are back to tackle infectious disease after infectious disease that we’ve never heard of with some of the most smartly written TV around. This season begins with House and Dr. Cuddy finally beginning a relationship…so we know it’s going to be interesting! Fox follows ‘House’ with ‘Lone Star’, a drama about a con man caught between two lives, two wives and a lot of money, sounds like my kind of show. CBS has their normal comedy night and have resurrected ‘Hawaii Five-0’, there’s a reason I don’t really watch CBS. Does the CW even count?

NBC returns ‘Chuck’, but follows it with ‘The Event’ and ‘Chase’, two ambitious new shows that may find a way onto my viewing schedule. Blair Underwood was dusted off to be the President of the United States in ‘The Event’ a show about…well I don’t know what it’s about. Something happened and something else is happening, but I’m gonna watch. I do know that ‘Chase’ follows U.S. Marshalls trying to capture fugitives from justice. It’s either that or watch ‘Castle’ on ABC.


Tuesday is a strange night for me. First, I detest the day in general. Second, there’s nothing on TV. I have never seen ‘Glee’. I will never see ‘Glee’. Fox has a wild looking new show this season in ‘Raising Hope’, a show about a unfit father raising a little girl with the help of unwitting family. ABC has night two of that dancing crap, but it’s bookended by two new additions to the lineup. First up, ‘No Ordinary Family’ about a family that develops superpowers after a plane crash and their adjustment to those powers in the middle of suburbia…next! ‘Detroit 1-8-7’ looks like something I can get into, a gritty cop show about a gritty city and it has some color in the class with James McDaniel and packs a ‘Sopranos’ punch with Michael Imperioli. Safe money’s on this to be my favorite new show of the season. CBS has ‘NCIS’ fever on Tuesday night and NBC has ‘The Biggest Loser’, so Tuesday is generally movie night in my crib.


Hump Day may be my new night for TV, because there’s a smorgasbord of choices this season, though I’m disappointed about the scheduling a bit. NBC has scheduled ‘Law & Order: Special Victims Unit’ to go head-to-head with ‘Criminal Minds’ on CBS. This is my favorite show versus an emerging watch, but SVU gets the nod, especially since this is Christopher Meloni’s aka Det. Elliott Stabler’s last season on the show. ABC Wednesday night is strong with who I don’t know, but ‘Modern Family’ cleaned up at the Emmy’s and ‘The Middle’ and ‘Cougar Town’ have an audience, so they could throw any two shows on the lineup and be straight. Their Wednesday night is not geared towards the demographic I represent.

Fox has the intelligent ‘Lie to Me’ coming back in November after a great summer, but may have lost me to ‘The Undercovers’, if for no reason this is the only show this fall with Black folks leading the cast. Boris Kodjoe and Gugu Mbatha-Raw (that’s a mouthful, but she’s an eye full) play a married couple that have giving up espionage for the simple life, but are drawn back in. I’m gonna give it a try, just as I will ‘Law & Order: Los Angeles’, if for no reason other than it’s from the ‘Law & Order’ franchise. I’m still a little salty the original was pulled before it set the record, but maybe Terrence Howard and the new crew will ease my pain. Jim Belushi is back with ‘The Defenders’ on CBS, a show about hotshot defense attorneys Wednesday seems like a busy night for my remote control, maybe I should invest in a DVR?


Thursday night has long been the night to watch television in our community. ‘The Cosby Show’ and ‘A Different World’ gave way to ‘Martin’, ‘Living Single’ and ‘New York Undercover’, but the baton was dropped and picked up by NBC’s must-see TV and carried on to their current Thursday night lineup that includes favorites ’30 Rock’ and ‘The Office’, two shows that people swear by, but I don’t get a chuckle out of. Add in ‘Community’ and the new ‘Outsourced’ and NBC plans to make people laugh themselves through ‘The Apprentice’ and right up until their local news. ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ has run its course and ‘CSI’ isn’t far behind.

I’ve tried ‘The Mentalist’ and said I was going to give ‘Bones’ a chance this season, but I’m betting that ‘My Generation’ will keep me occupied right up until it’s cancelled in December. It never fails; I begin to enjoy a creative, state-of-the-art show and no one else is watching, so it goes by bye. Happened with ‘Kidnapped’, ‘Daybreak’ and ‘Six Degrees’, so ‘My Generation’ is my vote for the show I enjoy that fails quickly this year. The show has a diverse cast and reconnects former high school classmates ten years after graduation and chronicles their lives in the interim and present. Plenty of directions this can go,hope it’s able to make the full season.

CBS has gone to Twitter to create a new show this season, ‘S#8! My Dad Says’ stars William Shatner as an extremely politically incorrect father who welcomes his son back home after he loses his job. The show is the brainchild of Justin Halpern and comes directly from his Twitter feed. Trending topics are being watched Twitter Nation…


Friday night is where TV shows go to die and judging by this season’s lineup, there’s nothing different to expect. ‘Human Target’ should’ve never gotten past its second episode this summer on Fox, but has somehow made it to the fall schedule, let’s hope it doesn’t see winter. CBS has ‘Medium’ and ‘CSI: NY’ trying to steal viewers, but the real battle will be between two veterans of the tube, Tom Selleck and Jimmy Smits. Selleck is on CBS in ‘Blue Bloods’, while Smits stars in the NBC legal drama ‘Outlaw’. I’ve seen the ‘Outlaw’ pilot and I think I can watch the show, but I hope I’m a little too busy as it comes on at prime time on date night.


Who cooks dinner on Saturday night? The same people who watch TV on Saturday night? Get your popcorn, your Redbox or Netflix on, because nothing is on TV aside from ‘Cops’ and ‘America’s Most Wanted’.


While millions of Americans spend Sunday afternoon and Sunday night watching football, there are other shows for the remaining folks twiddling their thumbs waiting for the Super Bowl. Fox has their animation lineup intact with ‘The Simpsons’, “The Cleveland Show’, ‘Family Guy’ and ‘American Dad’ for irreverent laughs, but seriously, how old is Bart Simpson? ‘Desperate Housewives’ has moved Vanessa Williams onto Wisteria Lane to undoubetedly cause more drama with these crazy mama’s weekly. CBS has moved ‘CSI: Miami’ to Sunday nights and hope it brings its viewers along with it. Sunday is another movie night for me after football season ends.

I’m gonna give most of the new shows a try this year and even give a few returning shows a watch or two, but my core is my core and that doesn’t change. My 2008 boycott to bring more diversity to network television didn’t work, so I’m forced to deal with the consequences of their irresponsibility. So I’ll watch and be disappointed in America as I’m let down by show after show, like I am year after year. If it gets too bad, I may have to concede in my war with Comcast and cut the cable on to check out the USA shows and ‘Boardwalk Empire’ on HBO!

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