I Got a Love Jones

One of the most popular topics over the last few months has been the high number of single, unmarried women generally, Black women specifically, and the causes of these alarming rates. There have been all kinds of reports floating around the internets, ABCNews reports and Steve Harvey (really?) even wrote a book claiming that it contained what men really think about love, intimacy, commitment, etc…

In the midst of all this, it seems like everything was focused on what a girl wants, what a girl needs, but the brothers have been a bit overlooked or seen as the root of this evil. Apparently, people have forgotten that it takes two to make a thing go right. While it is logistically impossible for all women to marry, it seems statistically inevitable that men would be the blame for the lack of nuptials.

That's not acceptable to me, so I've set out on a little crusade to understand more about love, more about relationships, more about marriage, from the inside out. I've poured through countless articles, watched numerous clips and heard several testimonials, but it all meant nothing to me, just raw empirical data. Then a light bulb went off in my head, well, more like fireworks; I created my own surveys to get the answers I felt I needed to find out why some women are better suited than others for marriage and to create a profile for what I felt was the ideal woman for marriage.

So, once my "Creating the Perfect Woman" surveys were complete, they were distributed and the responses have been pouring in. I must admit, I didn't accept the type of response that I've gotten to the first survey, but I wasn't surprised that the second one has been a little slow to catch on. You see, the first survey was 20 questions, extremely superficial, the second called for a little more thought, a little more vulnerability. I suppose even under the cloak of anonymity, women can still be a bit jaded and refuse to let their guards down.

I'm going to leave the surveys open for exactly one more week (January 15th), in an attempt to gain a broader cross-section of answers, I'm going to share the links in this post. So ladies (fellas yall sit this one out), if you can please take a few minutes and complete both surveys, it will be greatly appreciated.

Survey #1

Survey #2

While going through the results, it's obvious that a few women didn't take the questions seriously, which is disappointing because I am sincere in my interest and have no ulterior motive for gaining the information (as one respondent accusingly answered a question). The most recurring question is what am I going to do with all of this information and the answer is simple…just wait, watch and experience, what comes next is something you wouldn't have ever imagined.

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