It seems like the only thing Shaq does worse than shoot free throws is cheat on his wife! He was outed in Karrine Steffans’ first book, Kobe gave up the tapes to the police and just a few months ago gossip sites went wild with the rumors of an affair with Gilbert Arenas’ fiancée Laura Govan (still wonder why Gilbert had an arsenal in his locker?). In Lopez’ statement, she claims that Shaq told her when they first hooked up in 2004, that he was in an open marriage and he stayed married for his image and his children. I wonder if Shaunie got that memo.
Not to make light of Shaq’s infidelity, but how far have you fallen off when you share a bust-it baby with Delonte West and J.J. Reddick? Much like basketball, Shaq should’ve given creepin’ up a few years back, he’s obviously just as lazy with his indiscretions as he is in the offseason, yet still demands elite player attention. Ms. Lopez says she told Shaq to kick rocks after telling him that she may be pregnant and the Diesel responded, “Well, you better tell the baby’s father…” Classic!
I really don’t understand how someone the caliber or a Shaq or Tiger Woods gets married in the first place? If I made $5 more, I’d swear off nuptials for ever, imagine if I had a few hundred million in the vault? The lifestyle appears to provide unlimited temptation and the risk outweighs the reward, pre-nup or not!
1 comment
Not sure that I agree that Shaq and Tiger are of any noteworthy caliber, their pockets may be of a higher caliber but that's all I see.
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