As Beautiful As The Month Of June

You know June is symbolic for many reasons, there are various things associated with the mere mention of the month...

First, High School Graduation and the end of the school year. The greatest time and the worst time of the year for parents, because while many will celebrate the achievement of watching their child graduate, others will have to deal with the fact that their dumb offspring has stayed back in the second grade because he or she is still unable to read. Not to mention the fact that now you have to worry about someone watching your bad-ass kids for two months!

June is also Black Music Month, which is particularly sad this month considering the current state of Black Music. Ray Charles, Marvin Gaye, Sam Cooke and Luther Vandross are rolling over in their graves as Soul Music has virtually disappeared! Hell, Biggie and 2Pac are ready to bust some shots if Lil' Wayne indeed sells over 900,000 his first week!

Of course, the third week of June also begins Summer, that glorious time of the year when the temperature rises and clothes because less than a necessity. Summer rules will be in effect next week!

June also has traditionally been the month of marriage. Now, most of my male friends have gone on and done what they've had to do, so my wedding time is practically done. Unless Will gets hitched! I'm just waiting for my female friends to start taking the plunge. Just reminded you all, 30 is here, time is ticking! Pretty soon, marriage is just gonna become an agreement for some folks, it's gonna be something like "I'm 35, you're not married, I'm not married, let's get married!"

Just one time, I want to go to a wedding and something crazy goes down. You know me, I need something straight out the movies---drama, ordinary things don't move me! I want the groom to have a baby on the way by another chick, some dude to bust in confessing undying love for the bride (or groom), the bride not to show, something! Spice it up a little!

I want something to go down like this...Remember when Dwayne Wayne busted in on Whitley's wedding with Byron? Baby please! I want to be there, matter of fact, hide your wedding invitations, I may just bust up a few weddings the same way...

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