Welcome Back To Monday

Holiday weekend's over and most of you should be back in the office trying to recuperate from the extended weekend and all of the barbecue that you ate. I know a few of you have extended the time off and won't return to the office until Tuesday or Wednesday...lucky dogs!

As for me, I spent the weekend fighting a fever, sneezing, nose running like a faucet and with cold in my back! Summer cold #2 has emerged as the flu! I stretched out on the couch and stayed medicated through the weekend, only stepping out for a few hours to catch a few movies yesterday. Besides, it rained all weekend anyway, what fun?

In what was either a great marketing strategy or false advertising, it was reported that six cups of watermelon had similar effects to Viagra...old niggas everywhere rejoiced! Shop-Rite had watermelon on sale for $1.19 a pound over the weekend, just in the for the fireworks (no pun intended)!

That's pretty much all I got today...I need a nap, Thera-Flu kills my thought process!

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