Jheri Curl Alert at Intense Red-Yellow-Orange

Get your baby powder out...

Wendy Williams has her own TV show on Fox? Not only are we subjected to her ignorance through the radio, now we have to look at her in the process? Ilk!

So, Jesse Jackson reportedly said "the N-word" in his off the record, on the air rant against Barack Obama last week? So what, Nigga, Nigga, Nigga! Yet, Fox News will not release transcripts or audio or video evidence, could they be playing with our emotions? This is the same station that gave Wendy Williams a talk show, so we know they deal in ignorance!

Is Oprah dating Tyler Perry? It makes sense, they're both wealthy, hate Black people and are gay!

"The Dark Knight" opened at midnight in select theaters and is already receiving rave reviews. Some fools saw the film at 3am and 6am! It ain't that serious, I'll catch a matinee Sunday and see two or three other movies in the same trip!

Barack Obama's campaign raised $52 million in the month of June! How much exactly do you need to run an election? Seems like we could feed, house, clothe and bathe some people with that type of money right? The least we could do is support the people of Darfur with a small percentage of the change being given to the Mulatto running for President?!?!

John McCain pledged to earn the support of the NAACP after years of urging Republicans to skip their events! He even vowed to educate our kids!

It was hot yesterday, but not as hot as it is supposed to be today, we're heading towards triple digits. It's 6:25am and it is already 70 degrees! Keep the old folks cool, the jheri curls out of direct sunlight and the red kool-aid flowing!

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