Let Me Tell You What I Ain't...

Chauvinist, misogynist, sexist, woman basher or anything else that tends to run through the minds of people...
I suppose I'm guilty of bringing truth to the forefront and that makes some people uncomfortable. Tough! On any given day my target could be Tyler Perry, Oprah, BET, women, illegal immigrants, Britney Spears or myself. No matter what I decide to discuss, it all gets the same scrutiny.

They talked about Jesus, who am I to think I'm special...
It's always funny when I someone is really offended by something they've read. Some mornings I wake up with the intent of pissing people off, I believe that it helps for critical inspection, so I do it purposely. So, when the name calling begins, I just laugh.

I ain't no ordinary Nigga!
Everything I write is off the top of my head, so at times I don't even know what's going to come out. Sometimes I want to go a lot harder, but I pull back a bit for many reasons and censor myself (my mother does read this yall), but I offer no cut on my commentary.

The World is always performing, so someone has to be a critic...
I stand on my soapbox and offer my social commentary, guess it's just my two cents! I'm not an expert or authority on anything in particular aside from being me, but I enjoy creating these offerings for you to read.

If you're feeling some type of way...
Good! It costs me nothing, I pay you no mind!

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