Dead Presidents

Most of you are fresh off a four-day weekend, many of you had to work yesterday and I created my own combination yesterday. Somehow, I ended up taking a half-day and taking a trip to Atlantic City to see a few basketball games. Either way, we're back at it today and in some news that is potentially delightful to the U.S. government, but terrifying to Assata Shakur, Fidel Castro resigned overnight as President and Commander-in-chief of the Cuban military.

Presidents' Day was acknowledged across the country yesterday, celebrating the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. But what about the other great leaders of this country? Does Presidents' Day include FDR, JFK, LBJ, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan (Sike! Checking to see if you're awake!)? Or will it ever include the Prez who gets this immigration thing together?

Give me your tired, your weary and your poor was the creed nearly 200 years ago, but now, it's a free for all and we're stuck footing the bill for much of it. I know that this is the land of milk and honey aka the land of opportunity and everyone should be allowed to come to America and for the pursuit of happiness, wealth and white women, but there are laws to be followed.

First, you can't sneak in the country in a crate of Mexican beans and expect to have rights. That lifeboat that you sailed in on does not guarantee you a say in the local election, even though your rights are constant hot-topic amongst politicians. File the necessary paperwork and start from scratch.

I know I am far from politically correct, but I saw someone get into a car accident and take off running into the woods last night, most likely because he was illegal or didn't have car insurance (I'm racist right?). So, while we continue to support illegals who aren't taxed on their wages and don't pay into Social Security, I think I have the right to be a bit upset. However, if they are all deported, who's going to cut the lawns, clean the hotel rooms and cook the food in almost all of the restaurants?

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