Death, Taxes...and Britney???

In life all you're guaranteed is to die and pay taxes, but it seems as if you're destined to have some sort of Britney Spears news. They hauled her off to the hospital (again) to have her observed for a few days, I wonder if Dr. Phil will be stopping by this time. Die already!

Speaking of taxes, Wesley Snipes was acquitted of the most serious of charges that he was facing, but convicted on three misdemeanor charges for failing to file a tax return. It seems as if around the same time as meeting his Co-D Eddie Ray Khan, Wesley thought it was against his basic human rights to pay taxes and just chilled on cutting checks to Uncle Sam. His co-defendants on the other hand were convicted.

Snipes still has to pay like $12 million in back taxes, that's a small thing compared to that 16 long he was facing if convicted. If you think of it, it was kinda Revolutionary of Wesley to take a stand against taxes, this was his form of protest. Not quite sure I would've lied about my income when its basically public knowledge when a actor signs on to a film. He got $10 million for the 'Blade" sequels and claimed he made something like $40,000, like that Nigga works in the office next to mine.

Anyway, he beat the system (somewhat) and now we can get a few more direct-to-DVD films out of him. Well, I'm off to call my Uncle to see if I can file some taxes for the first time in three years, wonder if Uncle Sam will come after me?

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