This Isn't My Idea of Fun

I guess since the plows finally made their way through the streets, most of you can start the short work week, finish your Christmas shopping and go about life as normal, since Mother Nature press paused on most of the East Coast over the weekend.

Two feet of snow is never fun! It's even less fun when that two feet happens to fall on Saturday and Sunday! Add in the fact that there was not one "House" or "Law & Order: SVU" marathon and that the "big hats" converged on Shop Rite Friday and the weekend really sucked!

It could've been worse, I could've been Brittany Murphy and woke up dead. If the name rings a bell and you can't place the face, she was in "Clueless" and "8 Mile", but most memorable in "Don't Say A Word" with Michael Douglass. She was 32 and died of cardiac arrest...cocaine overdose!

I don't need Miss Cleo to read her cards to tell me anything different, I can read between the lines and what's written on the wall. What trips me out is how folks took to Facebook to express their shock, like she made an impact on their lives...

I need someone to explain Rhianna to me. I really don't get her, I don't understand anything she says in her songs and her voice is quite annoying. I was watching her new video this morning and kept asking myself, what's the big deal, she can't sing, can't dance and her songs are wack!

Through rain, snow, sleet or hell my ass! Did you get mail Saturday?

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