Now, I know you're probably thinking "This boy is crazy, talking about Niggerdom, what the hell is Niggerdom?" Well, Niggerdom is anything that personifies negative stereotypes, promotes ignorance or is just downright stupid when it comes to African-Americans, Black Folk, Negroes, whatever you want to call yourself. Now, you may need some examples, so here you go: not taking care of your kids, Niggerdom! Bragging about taking care of your kids, Niggerdom! Cam'ron and the Dipset, extreme Niggerdom!

As a people, we love to embrace things that we feel identify us as a culture, our most positive and shining points. However, that racial pride has been skewed by embracing some of the most ignorant traits ever! So, in respect to 'keeping it real' or 'being from the hood', we end up looking very stupid. Call it what you want, tacky, foolish, it all adds up to the same thing, Niggerdom!
We all have times when we may do some questionable things and I admit, as much as I try to not associate myself with any Niggerdom, I do it all the time! Payday, I'm at Happy Hour! I mean, honestly, who was rushing out to the stores on "Black Friday" to spend money they needed for the light bill? Did it look anything like this...
That's deep! Stampeding folks to run into debt, you would've thought someone was giving out jobs!
Unless you're guaranteed to never have to work a day in your life, tattoos on your neck and hands are not a good look! I had a student come in and tell me she wanted to be a nurse the other day, with her nickname sprawled around her neck, I'll be damned if I let someone take my temperature with "Chocolate" tatted on her neck, you can do a lot for me, but taking my blood is not one of them!
You know what else, no one is immune from this affliction. I stumbled across Oprah the other night at like 2 am and there I see Kirk Franklin seated next to Oprah with a beautiful woman whom I find out is his wife. Cool, I figure Kirk is talking about his new CD, the Lord and all things God. I punch the info button and the show is about "Men who are addicted to porn", what the hell! Nothing wrong with porn, but Kirk, you don't have to sit around and watch videos, hit the strip club and help put some girls through college! You won't feel guilty about it, you'll be doing a public service, I do it all the time and I feel great!
I figured I'd leave you guys with some photos that definitely are pure expressions of Niggerdom!
Had enough? Wait, there's more! These are not good looks at the club!
Fellas, we are not immune...
Certain shit you just don't do!
Celebrities are far from from exempt!
Finally, Once You're White Trash, You're Always White Trash...
Check out for additional displays of poor taste, tackiness, and straight Niggerdom!
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