Much to the delight of 18 year old girls everywhere, Bow & Ciara confirmed that they had broken up too. I know you're thinking, who cares. but it helps my point. If people who are making millions of dollars can't make it happen, what can folks who are a few thousand dollars in debt do differently? I know they say love can make miracles and all of that other crap, but love don't pay the bills, and not paying the bills can lead to a lot of fights!
With well over 50% of all marriages ending in divorce, why the hell are people still rushing to jump the broom? For sickness and health, 'til death do it part and all of that sounds good, but nowhere in those vows does it say anything about when the lights get cut off, or when I come in from the strip club smelling like the Macy's make-up counter or when you can't get the baby weight off.
My Aunt & Uncle are closing in on 15 years of marriage and they have the best marriage I've seen by far, because they genuinely like each other, they're friends and still do all of that silly stuff together. I love that & I love to see them together, but can I see that for myself? Ehhh, no! Now, if Will & Jada get divorced, no one should ever get married again!
So, whatever happened to black love? I mean Ashford & Simpson type love? That thing that Ruby Dee & Ossie Davis had? Well, according to a group of 12 year olds, marriage is for white people!
Can't say that I don't agree with them or that I do agree, but I do know that leaves quite a selection of women out there who have been scorned, disappointed, dissatisfied and in need for a lil' bit of Teef!

For those of you trying your hand at the dating scene, a friend of mine is hosting a "Speed Dating" event at Flava Restaurant & Lounge, so check it out if you think you can meet Mr. or Ms. Right in like 5 minutes. For those of you who have faulty radar when it comes to dealing with folks, I don't recommend you attend this event, you just might find the only stalker in the building!
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