Let's look back at the week that was...Durham D.A. Mike Nifong said damn DNA, I'm pressing charges anyway and two Duke Lacrosse players, Reade Seligmann and Colin Finnerty were charged with rape, sexual assault and kidnapping. Just so happens, that they're originally from New York & New Jersey, I really hope this girl is not lying. Here's a story with some very interesting photos from the night in question... http://www.nbc17.com/news/8830631/detail.html
I skipped Happy Hour yesterday and was home and lucid enough to catch Romeo on 106 & Park talking really greasy about Bow Wow. I don't know the origins of the beef, but Romeo took offense to the song "Fresh Azimiz" and what does he do, go out & record a song very similar to it. Typical Master P and that lack of originality. The boy is talking really slick in the song, much big paper talk! Is it me or does he expect the world to forget that P had already made a few million by the time he started school? He also slid in some shots that he may be working with Ciara really soon, that was a low blow! Listen to the track here...http://allhiphop.com/
I figured that it's about time that I spoke on this "Hyphy" movement, but first let me define "Hyphy" it's the new sound coming from the Bay area that displays raw energy. They say that they "Go Dumb", "Get Stupid" or "Get Hyphy". One word, Niggerdom! E-40 is now living up to his name, the dude gotta be about 40 and he's at the forefront of this "movement", I guess it's get in where you fit in. How about sitting down and writing some real rhymes instead of creating a gimmick. But this damn thing is catching on, USA Today did a feature about the movement and MTV is showing the video for "Tell Me When To Go" by E-40 and some cat named Knek da Sneak who is just horrible. I guess the beauty of music is having the unique sounds represent your region and folks, but damn!
With Mama Whitney allegedly in rehab for help with her cocaine addiction (remember that Crack is wack!), Bobbi Kristina is living the life of Riley as a teenager. Check out these pics of her, at least she's shed the baby fat, but the pics are mighty white of

It's one of my favorite times of the year for sure, the Tribeca Film Festival kicks off next week, too bad nothing is jumping out at me as of yet that I really want to see, but I'm sure I'll find something.
While, we're talking about movies, there was an interesting e-mail floating around this week promoting a film called "Diary of a Tired Black Man" check the clip here, http://tiredblackman.com/. I found it funny, yet very interesting, because of all the films and books built around bashing Brothers, that someone took it upon themselves to show a different light. I'm pretty sure I'll have more on this subject in the next few days, until then, Peace Out!
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