I'm sitting the crib dreaming about Lear Jets & Coupes, the way Salt shoops and how to sell records like Snoop, Oops!
Merry Christmas to all of you robotic people out there spending a grip on gifts which the sentiment won't last past the time the wrapping paper hits the floor. It's been a bit of a slow week for me, been trying to get to the PC all week, but just haven't made it.
I was reminded that I didn't mention the final of "The Apprentice" last week. With good reason, I don't watch the shit, I've never even turned to it accidentally! However, being that there was some controversy attached, I will drop my two cents in on it. First, I'd like to congratulate the brother, Randall Pinkett, for winning the competition. Now, I've done some research and the brother has a resume that is beyond comparison, five degrees, Rhodes Scholar, founder of a multi-million dollar consulting company and the list goes on & on. Quite impressive, more on that in a minute...Now, after Randall is hired, King Trump decides he wants to change the rules and hire the runner-up
, to which Randall objected and said something to the effect of, "Mr. Trump, this is The Apprentice, not The Apprenti..." Trump quickly changed his mind. Not because he spoke up for what was rightfully his, but because of the correct usage of the plural form of apprentice, how could you deny that?

Trump wanted to hire some 23 year-old white chick who I understand also handled herself pretty well throughout the competition, but paled (no pun intended) to Randall. Now, Black America immediately tuned out once Trump flipped the script, White America went crazy once Randall showed his ass on TV and Corporate America applauded trumps attempt at Affirmative Action. I can't tell you anything about season one and Omar's and Kane, but I do know a nigga with 5 degrees, a million-dollar company and age 34 is over damn qualified to be some apprentice. Who was the fact checker this season? He could've had his onwn show on BET called, "My Right-Hand Man" and replaced the wack-ass Ultimate Hustler.
Enough about that, Kobe dropped 62 the other night against Dallas...in 3 quarters! That's right, 62 points in 33 minutes, I dropped that in there for the haters.
"Everybody Hates Chris" received some hate mail after an episode in which it's revealed that there is no Santa Claus was aired. On the very first episode, the infamous "N-Word" was dropped and it seemed as if no one noticed. Yet, he lets the cat out the bag that there's no fat, jolly ass white man flying through the hood and it causes an uproar. Where are our priorities? Chris Rock just did parents a favor, if your children understand that gifts aren't made by elves and that their broke ass parents are skimming off the rent money to give them gifts, the demands will lower. When I found out there was no Santa, I trimmed a complete page off of my Christmas List (Thank Danielle!) How about we pick a fight worth fighting?
They laid "Tookie" to rest earlier in the week and about 2,000 people came to send the O.G. off in peace. However, in true nigga fashion, weed smoke and gang signs filled the air as the "mourners" came out to show their love. His ashes are being sent to South Africa where they'll be scattered by Winnie Mandela amongst others. Imagine had he pledged his entire life to anything resembling positivity. He might've been a Saint and gotten a holiday named after him. As a matter of fact, go to www.Tookieaholiday.com and sign the petition to get a day off of work in honor of the Gangbanger gone good!
BET sure knows how to run a good show into the ground, I'm not talking about Video Soul or 106th & Park, I'm talking about the way they rerun shows. If I see that damn 25th Anniversary or BET Awards show on mo'gin!!!
Like I said, slow week, but I have some things planned for the upcoming week, stay tuned!
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