
Do me a favor, well do yourself a favor. Interrupt yourself at some point this weekend and just look around. Go to the mall, the park, just drive around, but really look at people. Just observe, then ask yourself, what's happening? I was headed to Walmart (which has become my most visited destination) when I stopped at a traffic light and saw two girls to my left, no more than 7 or 8 years old, practicing The Soulja Boy. You know The Soulja Boy, "Soulja Boy up in this whoa! Watch me crank and watch me roll and Superman!" Then there's a bunch of unintelligible crap and then, "Soulja Boy up in this whoa..."

No more than three minutes up the road, I came to another light and there were two more girls, same age or younger in their yard. Yet, these two had their school books out and were reading to one another. Crank that Soulja Boy, crank that Soulja Boy!

Then, I get home and there's a dry-behind Justin Timberlake concert on HBO, and I started thinking. We need less Justin Timberlake, more Usher. Less pictures of Usher and his wife and more new videos. Less Britney Spears, more Erykah Badu. Less I-Pods and more conversations. Less Dirty South Hip-Hop and more reading.

It's sad, little girls can't even play with Barbie dolls anymore! What's a little girl without a Barbie doll in her life? You probably need less of something and more Teef in your life!

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