The Nigga You Love to Hate

The homie Will says I'm getting too soft. The big homie Chuck says I'm falling off. They say I've been too nice, too PC, too people friendly, the anti-Teef. I'm not really sure what any of that means, I guess I haven't been spewing my brand of ignorance as often as I once did, in the manner I always did. Trust me, the ignorance is there, it's just a little toned down. I haven't called Oprah's big-headed ass out in a while or called Tyler Perry a minstrel show homosexual in a few months, but how many times and ways can I say those things without it getting old? Someone even sent me a text message asking why I censored the word "nigga" in the page heading? I didn't think folks paid attention to such things, I've been getting the feeling that I've been writing here for practice from time to time.

So I've branched out, attempted to diversify my portfolio a little bit and not be as snarling as usual. The bottom line is much of what I'd been gathering material from bores me these days, so I'm forced to dig in other places these days, so the delivery reflects that. Also, I've had a lot on my plate lately, trying to get my health in order, balancing my workload, and really trying to enjoy life a little more is a lot for one man to handle, even if that man is Teef. Not to mention that I've picked up a few readers from the things I've posted on various sites in the past few months and I really don't want to scare them off so quickly, I've gotta break them in slowly.

Summer is running down on us and it being hot outside is a good enough reason for Nigga moments and for me to report on them, plus many other goings on and other things that have raised my ire in the last couple of months, but I've chosen to ignore. I got that ignorant ish you seem to love and when I decide to let loose, don't be upset if something hits too close to home, because it's what you've been waiting for…well ain't it? That's all talk, I'm much happier these days and finding different ways to express myself. If you're looking for that old Teef, the archives are right over there, knock yourself out.
The Nigga You Love to Hate


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